9/6/2024 There is a delicate balance between my personal expression and technical expression that comes from this project. There is a part of me that is making this site to put myself out into the world in the form of my thoughts. And then there is another part of me that enjoys learning the technical aspects of it. Really, building a website from scratch is both an art and a science. A humanistic undertaking, if you will.

I spent a lot of today wrangling with CSS that I didn't fully understand. Trying to align things just right is hard. Probably not really feasible when I have such a barebones website. I learned a lot today, though. I'm trying to let myself just be a beginner at this. Actually, I have the benefit of being a technical professional - I just have very little experience with web development. So it's not my first rodeo. I just need to give myself more than - *checks watch* - two days to figure out everything that I need to know to build something that doesn't like simplistic lol.